I cannot understand why blacks, who have been oppressed for so long, voted 70% against gay marriage in California! especially in light of THIS historic election. they were followed in %s by Latinos then whites. i'm a firm believer in "live and let live" and feel gay marriage does not affect anyone but the 2 marriage participants! anyone crazy enough to WANT to get married should be allowed to.
i also cannot understand the sign burnings, and NOOSE hanging at that University in Texas, and all the overt racism, because OBAMA- who was chosen BY the majority [all races, sexes, religions, income levels ] of Americans- won the election! WE THE PEOPLE voted him in... not any one group of americans.
i have a friend who was harassed because he SAID he voted for Obama, because he thought he was "the best man for the job"; 2 black guys he works with were harassed JUST because they're black!
WE obviously have not moved very far, as much as we'd like to think we have... we still have a long way to go on social issues, civil rights, and equality for all people in this country- prejudice still lives... and it saddens me, especially after this HOPEFUL AND INSPIRATIONAL election
i also cannot understand the sign burnings, and NOOSE hanging at that University in Texas, and all the overt racism, because OBAMA- who was chosen BY the majority [all races, sexes, religions, income levels ] of Americans- won the election! WE THE PEOPLE voted him in... not any one group of americans.
i have a friend who was harassed because he SAID he voted for Obama, because he thought he was "the best man for the job"; 2 black guys he works with were harassed JUST because they're black!
WE obviously have not moved very far, as much as we'd like to think we have... we still have a long way to go on social issues, civil rights, and equality for all people in this country- prejudice still lives... and it saddens me, especially after this HOPEFUL AND INSPIRATIONAL election
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