Sunday, May 31, 2009

facebook myspace youtube twitter

since the advent of all the social networking sites, email to my inbox has dwindled considerably. it is gone the way of real mail, i'm afraid. we've become a nation of short attention spans and sound bites.

i used to spend mornings having coffee, cigarettes and answering letters by hand or typewriter. i'd also spend hours writing/typing my 'tagbuch'[ diary/journal]. then once computers came into play, i'd spend mornings answering emails, which i would save as diaries/journals. now, i've found myself spending whole days on facebook- trying to fit my thoughts into little space limited boxes- saving nothing- when i should be doing something productive; like maybe getting some real work done.

i have neglected my blog for too long, due to facebook. i havent sat down and written an actual letter in ages. so, today i begin. i'll see if my ribbon in my old manual typewriter has dried up- if not, i will write some friends. after all, there is nothing like getting a real letter!

[c]2009 doug duffey