Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Have neglected blogging since the advent of Facebook- and due to lack of much free time- but, a new years resolution is to do more blogging--- and more of everything.


Sunday, May 31, 2009

facebook myspace youtube twitter

since the advent of all the social networking sites, email to my inbox has dwindled considerably. it is gone the way of real mail, i'm afraid. we've become a nation of short attention spans and sound bites.

i used to spend mornings having coffee, cigarettes and answering letters by hand or typewriter. i'd also spend hours writing/typing my 'tagbuch'[ diary/journal]. then once computers came into play, i'd spend mornings answering emails, which i would save as diaries/journals. now, i've found myself spending whole days on facebook- trying to fit my thoughts into little space limited boxes- saving nothing- when i should be doing something productive; like maybe getting some real work done.

i have neglected my blog for too long, due to facebook. i havent sat down and written an actual letter in ages. so, today i begin. i'll see if my ribbon in my old manual typewriter has dried up- if not, i will write some friends. after all, there is nothing like getting a real letter!

[c]2009 doug duffey

Saturday, November 15, 2008


seems awfully funny that NOW the republicans are talking bi-partisanship ALL the time, after getting their butts royally kicked! they weren't so bi-partisan before, and NOW keep blaming their defeat on the economy. give me a break! i'm sick of them and their hypocritical "so called" morality... and agenda! they want to throw us back to the dark ages... and they've already had their 8 years of those, svp! and dragged us down into them...

AND ... btw, where did bay buchanan come from... and will she please go back, with ann coulter, to whatever hell they both crawled up from? she started making the news rounds before the election. those FOX news [?] political pundits, talking heads- all yakking their opinion like it's the gospel- with mouths full of insipid/banal/inane bile to spew... i'm thinking it's time to disconnect from cable... but then i'd miss the TBN Circus... tres amusent!

[c]2008 doug duffey

Saturday, November 8, 2008

nightmare scenario: palin & huckabee in 2012

okay... we just had an historic election- and won our freedom from 8 years of republican rule and damned near ruin- but the right wing neo-cons are already plotting to take back "their" power. they actually think sarah palin is a qualified presidential candidate, which is fucking frightening.

both she and mike huckabee [who is probably also running in 2012- he somehow got a fox news job recently... what does that tell you?] are born again religious nutjobs who do not believe in evolution ["or photosynthesis or anything else" as paul begala said]- who want to teach 'creationism' in schools, who are anti abortion, and anti gay marraige--- and promote oh, the whole right wing christian conservative HATE agenda- which we just voted OUT!- and which DOES NOT belong in 21st century american politics or government! it never did! god forbid, if they run together [but i think their individual egos are too big for that]- there again, if they ran together we could possibly kill 2 birds with 1 stone; metaphorically speaking, of course.

i think democrats and independents need to STAY involved and active- to prevent the right wing from ever taking power again. we need to also start mobilizing our troops now, and get ready to vote in every election up until 2012- and vote for every democrat we can!

the republicans are pissed that they lost, but they brought about their own downfall... and now that they're down, we need to keep them down! trust me, they would do the same... "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" does not seem to be in their vocabulary, or playbook, no matter how much they spout the Bible. i think 'do unto them before they do unto you" might be a better motto!

they're sore losers- and are acting like they have been wronged. boo hoo hoo. i've had 8 years of their gloating- and calling the democrats "everything but a child of god"[as obama said]. even though i try not to BE like them- it's hard not to relish this delicious victory! revenge is a dish best served cold!
[c]2008 doug duffey

Friday, November 7, 2008

joe lieberman - rogue

for someone who ran with gore, this old bastard has gone rogue. now he's threatening the dems to go to the gop IF his demands arent met. read this from the huffington post!
[c]2008 doug duffey

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I cannot understand why blacks, who have been oppressed for so long, voted 70% against gay marriage in California! especially in light of THIS historic election. they were followed in %s by Latinos then whites. i'm a firm believer in "live and let live" and feel gay marriage does not affect anyone but the 2 marriage participants! anyone crazy enough to WANT to get married should be allowed to.

i also cannot understand the sign burnings, and NOOSE hanging at that University in Texas, and all the overt racism, because OBAMA- who was chosen BY the majority [all races, sexes, religions, income levels ] of Americans- won the election! WE THE PEOPLE voted him in... not any one group of americans.

i have a friend who was harassed because he SAID he voted for Obama, because he thought he was "the best man for the job"; 2 black guys he works with were harassed JUST because they're black!

WE obviously have not moved very far, as much as we'd like to think we have... we still have a long way to go on social issues, civil rights, and equality for all people in this country- prejudice still lives... and it saddens me, especially after this HOPEFUL AND INSPIRATIONAL election
[c]2008 doug duffey

Goodybe Caribou Barbie, the First Dud, Joe Six Pack and Joe the Plumber! And good riddance!... but WAIT

"thank god and greyhound, she's gone" as the old country song goes... i'm sick of the Wassilla Hillbillies: her her '1st dude [dud], and brood. BUT... i really have to thank Sarah, for helping Obama win the election! her ineptitude and idiotic remarks [see videos] were certainly a "blessing"! i hope joe the plumber disappears back in obscurity...
btw, the GOP is supposedly sending a lawyer to get some of that 150K drag back!

BUT here's something VERY scary... IF Ted Stevens [senator and felon] gets thrown out- it could open up the seat for Mme. P! READ THIS SO unfortunately... we may not have seen the last of this cow! i'm certain "she'll be baaaaaaaaaack"

[c]2008 doug duffey