Saturday, November 15, 2008


seems awfully funny that NOW the republicans are talking bi-partisanship ALL the time, after getting their butts royally kicked! they weren't so bi-partisan before, and NOW keep blaming their defeat on the economy. give me a break! i'm sick of them and their hypocritical "so called" morality... and agenda! they want to throw us back to the dark ages... and they've already had their 8 years of those, svp! and dragged us down into them...

AND ... btw, where did bay buchanan come from... and will she please go back, with ann coulter, to whatever hell they both crawled up from? she started making the news rounds before the election. those FOX news [?] political pundits, talking heads- all yakking their opinion like it's the gospel- with mouths full of insipid/banal/inane bile to spew... i'm thinking it's time to disconnect from cable... but then i'd miss the TBN Circus... tres amusent!

[c]2008 doug duffey

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